Growing up in outback Australia I’ve always loved being outdoors. These days being out on the water with a few of my good mates, is my kind of therapy. I've taken a lot of inspiration from my upbringing to now with my business as fishing is something I love to do and I am really passionate about.

In 2016, my mates and I were on a fishing trip and we stopped to grab some bait and ice and I decided to get a new fishing shirt for our trip. I felt disappointed with every tackle store I visited as they had a limited selection of ladies outdoor clothing and goods, But why? Women enjoy fishing too! 

When I returned home after our trip, I remember sitting down with a beer to unwind and I called my mom and I told her about not being able to find anything nice to wear on my trip, I said “I should just design my own”. It was just a completely random idea born of necessity. Fast forward to 7 years on, we have since designed a wide range of outdoor apparel and our custom LED Light hard coolers that has now sold over 50,000 items, with our biggest customers being female anglers. 



Samantha Mahoney